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Dimensions BigQuery Lab
Funding & Grants
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Dimensions BigQuery Lab
About Tutorials
Verifying your connection
Working with dates
Working with nested and repeated fields
From the DSL API to Google BigQuery
Basic Topic Clustering using TensorFlow and BigQuery ML
Identify a funder's grants and publications
Retrieve patents linked to a set of grants
Usage of Trust Markers in research
Funding & Grants
About Queries
1. Number of publications added to Dimensions each month
2. Number of Publications by Type
3. Generate a list of publication authors by flattening/concatenating nested data
4. Generate a list of publication categories by flattening/concatenating nested data
5. Number of publications per SDG category
6. Publications count per FoR category, total and percentage against total
7. Finding Journals using string matching
8. Finding articles matching a specific affiliation string
9. Top publications by Altmetric score and research organization
10. Select publications matching selected concepts
11. Count of corresponding authors by publisher
12. Counting new vs recurring authors, for a specific journal
13. Funding by journal
14. Extracting complex publications records
15. Top N publications by citations percentile
16. Citations by journal, for a specific publisher
17. One-degree citation network for a single publication
18. Incoming citations for a journal
19. Outgoing citations from a journal
20. International collaboration of an organisation in a field
21. International collaboration rate of individuals, with context
22. Incoming citations for a single publication, by journal
23. Citing authors by country
24. Organizations and sub-organizations
25. Grants for an organization
26. Field Citation Ratio (FCR) median average
27. List of corresponding authors
28. Researcher collaborations
29. Institutions collaborations
30. Publication volume growth rate
31. Country-level publication activity over time
32. Creating a concepts network
33. Calculating disruption indices (CD index)
Funding & Grants
Grants of an organization
Funding by journal